In-Kind Donations
A great way to help the programs here at the YMCA of Greater Tulsa is for individuals, families and companies to make in-kind donations for a variety of items that we need on a daily basis. These donations of materials, services, or cash will allow us to stretch our dollars even further.
For example, if you work for an organization that does in-house printing, you could provide a name for us to contact about helping to print a new member newsletter. Do you know an experienced studio photographer who might be willing to take some photos at YMCA events or for an image advertising campaign? Is there a florist you or your business uses frequently who might donate a centerpiece for a fund-raising event? If you are in the food service industry, perhaps you know a contact for donating a lunch for staff recognition.
Please take a minute to help us put together a list of individuals we can call on for donations of in-kind goods or services. In-kind donations have great merit beyond a tax benefit, as the donors are always acknowledged publicly for their service to the community. Possible contacts for volunteer support are also welcome.
Interested in making an In-Kind Gift? We'd love to hear from you!

Our Story
The YMCA is so much more! For more than 110 years, the YMCA of Greater Tulsa has served the Tulsa metro area in various ways through Youth Development, Healthy Living, and Social Responsibility.