Fulfilling a YMCA Dream

In 1923, 100 years ago, our YMCA opened the first west side Y just steps from this location to support displaced Tulsans after the flooding of the Arkansas River. It continued to serve the community, providing meals, showers, and a gathering space for those working in the oil fields.
As Tulsa changed and grew, so did this Y. In 1953, it moved to the current location of the Herman & Kate Kaiser YMCA. However, we continued to serve the children and families of this neighborhood and do so today. The opportunity to return with a facility is fulfilling a YMCA dream, our 15th YMCA!

Countdown to Grand Opening



Get ready for the Anne & Henry Zarrow YMCA!

The Anne & Henry Zarrow YMCA is on track for an end-of-year completion of the project. The foundation, metal stud framing, and roof panels are complete. Ductwork is being installed, and electrical rough-in is in process. The north exterior wall has been fully framed and sheathed and all windows have been site-measured. We are working closely with the school district, City Parks Department, and Tulsa Housing Authority to prepare for the opening. The Housing Authority will be subsidizing memberships for residents and allowing YMCA swim lessons to occur in the neighborhood pool. Afterschool and youth development programs are key to the success of this branch and are already in full swing. 
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Anne & Henry Zarrow YMCA

909 W. 23rd Street
Tulsa, OK 74107